Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As a response to the passing of Arizona bill SB1070, I have teamed up with my friends at NDLON.ORG to create a media based campaign by the name of ALTO ARIZONA. SB1070 is the toughest anti immigrant bill in the history of this country. This bill allows law enforcement to stop and search any person that they have "probable suspicion" might be "illegal" statewide. So probable cause is out the window and racial profiling is now legal in the state of Arizona. This bill is going to make it open season for law enforcement to harass people with brown skin and an accent, which is NOT OK. Iam heading a full on art campaign for ALTO ARIZONA. If you are an artist and are opposed to SB1070 I urge you to get involved. Go to this link if your interested:


Hechenle GANAS!!!


PS Keep your eyes open for another print release from Shepard and myself of the We Are Human Arizona/Stop HB1070 Print below. Print will be released in the near future. Stay tuned.

Fight The Power!!!!!-Chuck D

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