Thursday, February 4, 2010

RECAP PHASE 1: White Walls SF Solo Show/ MTN Colors Sponsorship

Hey guys its been a while since I've posted on here, so long that I have to split recap into several posts. First off I am currently working hard for my first solo show in my career which will take place at the young but heavy hitting White Walls SF (Shout out to Justin and the crew). The shows opening will be on Saturday November 6th 2010. Check them out at

Here are a couple sneak peeks of some of the pieces Im working on for this show.
On another note I am happy to announce that I am now an officially sponsored artist by MONTANA COLORS. Since Ive been working on these newer pieces I have been using MTN 94 which is flat paint in a low pressure can which comes in a ton of dope colors. The biggest plus is that it sands really nice and since its low pressure you could really control the density of the spray. PS I love HARDCORE too but 94 is my S***. A BIG shout out to Derek from , Neon and the rest of the MTN US crew.

Check em out at:

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