Friday, July 24, 2009

Cesar Chavez and Thurgood Marshall Don't Belong in History Books

Well, that's what a panel of 6 "experts" hired by the Texas State Board of Education are saying. The BOE is looking to update their social studies curriculum, and are determining what they feel kids need to learn about in their textbooks, and what they don't.

They are proposing cutting out Cesar Chavez, a man who fought selflessly for the rights of the American worker, and is regarded as one of our nation's greatest civic leaders. One of the experts, Evangelical minster Peter Marshall said it would be "ludicrous" to have Cesar Chavez "listed next to Ben Franklin". Another so-called expert, David Barton, said that Cesar Chavez "lacks the stature, impact and overall contributions of so many others." What?!

They are also proposing excluding Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American to serve on the Supreme Court, who argued for victory in Brown v. Board of Education which led to desegregation in schools. They say Marshall isn't a "strong enough example" for Texas students.
The board and it's appointees complain about an "over representation of minorities" in American social studies standards.

This is a complete outrage that these Fundamentalists want to erase the contributions of minority figures to the United States. This shouldn't even be an issue of whether or not they are minority. They are very important Americans, period.

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