Thursday, June 25, 2009

We are Human pops up again!

Less than two weeks after we last stumbled across a photo of the We are Human picket sign doing work, here it is again!

Seen on:

The photo is from a graduation/rally in support of the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act, better known as the DREAM Act.
If you haven't heard of it, the Dream Act is described as a proposed bill that would "provide certain undocumented immigrant students who graduate from US high schools, are of good moral character, arrived in the US as children, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment, the opportunity to earn conditional permanent residency.".

These are mostly kids who were brought here as children by undocumented parents,and have lived a good part of their lives in the United States. They are as American as the next guy in everything except status, and want to be a contribution to the country by getting higher education and/or serving in the military.

This goes against the stereotype of the "illegal alien Anchor Baby" who only wants to drop out of school and live off taxpayer's money, so you'll hear a lot of opposition to his bill. These are kids with ambition who want to make the best out of being in this great country.

You should definitely check out the Dream Act site and learn more about it.


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